Mens Work, Personal Growth, Embodiment, Mindset, and more.

Mens Group How To Guide

"Unlock the Secret to Personal Growth – It’s Not What You Think!"

July 19, 20243 min read

In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves yearning for deeper connections and more meaningful personal growth. While there are countless resources available, one powerful tool often overlooked is the creation of a men’s group. If you’ve ever wondered how to bring together a community of like-minded individuals to support each other’s journeys, you’re in the right place.

Introducing the "Men's Group How to Guide"

I'm excited to share my latest resource with you: the "Men's Group How to Guide." This simple yet comprehensive guide is designed to help you create and lead your own men’s group, fostering a space for vulnerability, support, and personal development.

Why Start a Men’s Group?

Starting a men’s group isn't just about gathering a few friends for casual conversations. It's about building a community where each member can share their wins, challenges, and everything in between with individuals who truly understand and support them. Here are some key benefits:

  • Supportive Environment: Create a safe space for open and honest conversations.

  • Personal Growth: Foster deeper self-awareness and personal development.

  • Accountability: Help each other stay on track with goals and commitments.

  • Connection: Build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals.

What's Inside the Guide?

The "Men's Group How to Guide" is packed with practical tips and insights to help you get started:

  • Weekly Meeting Tips: Learn how to structure your meetings for maximum impact.

  • Sample Meeting Structure: Follow step-by-step instructions to keep everyone engaged and supportive.

  • Quarterly Check-Ins: Reflect, evaluate, and improve both individually and as a group.

  • Buddy System & Outings: Strengthen bonds and accountability with creative ideas.

Weekly Meeting Tips

Consistency is key to a successful men’s group. The guide recommends meeting weekly to allow members to get to know each other and provide more meaningful support. Each meeting should have a clear structure to ensure everyone gets the most out of the time spent together.

Sample Meeting Structure

A well-structured meeting helps keep everyone on track and ensures all voices are heard. Here’s a sample structure you can follow:

  1. Grounding (10-15 minutes): Start with meditation, breathwork, or calling the directions.

  2. Quick Check-In (10-15 minutes): Each man shares their current state, week’s events, and any support needed.

  3. Work/Support Round (1:45 minutes): Focus on challenges, wins, and emotional impact rather than detailed stories.

  4. Closing Circle (10-15 minutes): Share experiences of the meeting, express gratitude, and use feeling words for closure.

Quarterly Check-Ins

Every three months, take time to reflect on the group’s progress. Evaluate personal participation and growth, identify areas for improvement, and discuss what members want more or less of in the group.

Buddy System & Outings

To foster stronger connections, implement a buddy system where members check in with each other regularly. Plan outings such as sports activities, escape rooms, or game nights to create a more playful and relaxed environment.


Creating a men’s group is a powerful way to support personal growth and build a community of like-minded individuals. With the "Men's Group How to Guide," you’ll have everything you need to get started and make a lasting impact. Get the guide today and take the first step towards a more connected and fulfilling life.

Fill out your info to get the guide.


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